So, I did up the Land Raider today! Had a nice, focused painting session and got it done! This should look great on the table and all that I need are to apply some decals when I am done (doing all of them at once, for ease of application).
So, here are some work-in-progress shots of the Land Raider. Working on the metal portions right now, going to make the siler on the front gold, as well as get to work on dirtying it up a bit. Just a little bit left, really. My only displeasure has been the sponson weapons, which the Chapterhouse Studios pieces didn't fit onto properly, so I am going to paint them and ship them as is. I would rather that than chance them breaking (I think they are Lascannon-mount specific!).
Anyhow, I just got a Blood Angels army inquiry from a fellow Dakka Dakka member. Lets hope that it moves forwards from here. Also, I should be tackling some more Orks in the near future for a local buddy of mine, though I am not sure I will be seeing the Squiggoths anytime soon, sadly. |
March 2014